The next Rocky Mountain Hound Association Meeting will be:

a Wednesday in December for the Holiday Party
TBD at 7:00 pm

The Rocky Mountain Hound Club is a 501c7 non-profit membership club.
Our board and committee members are all hard working, time giving volunteers, passionately serving the club and membership. They are the Hound Club engine that keeps our shows and events run smoothly, while making them fun!
We welcome new people, new energy, new ideas, and new volunteers!
If you are interested in serving and helping out - please contact our Club President.

2024 RMHA Officers, Board of Directors, & Committees

Carol Curlee


Carol Curlee

Cathy Day


Cathy Day

Julie Ouska


Julie Ouska

Dan Heidel


Dan Heidel

Pat Bird

Board of Director

Pat Bird

PlaceholderPhoto TBA

Board of Director

Kristy Wilson

Tom Golcher

Board of Director

Tom Golcher

Lyn Hoflin

Board of Director

Lyn Hoflin

2021 RMHA Committee Chairs & Teams

Education Chair

Michelle Evans

Facebook Team

M Evans, T Golcher, D Heidel

Health Clinic Chair

Dan Heidel

Junior Team

M Evans, K Groves, M Groves

Membership Chair


Performance Chair

Dan Heidel

Trophy Chair

Lyn Hoflin

Website Chair

Dan Heidel

2021 Fall
Dog Show Chair

Carol Curlee

2022 Spring
Dog Show Chair

Kristy Wilson

Here's a list of our hound club members who are willing to talk to people about hounds!

NameBreedKennel NameContact Information
Pat BirdBasenji [email protected]
Carol MakowskiBasset HoundBristlecone Bassets [email protected]
Karissa GrovesBloodhoundBloodhound Ranch [email protected]
Marlene GrovesBloodhoundBloodhound Ranch [email protected]
Tom GolcherBorzoiZoiboyz [email protected]
Lyn Snyder HoflinBorzoiNovgorod/Arnov [email protected]
Maggie RiceBorzoiFolly Quarters [email protected]
Tracey LutyIrish WolfhoundTralen [email protected]
Kelly PiersonRidgebackRed Rocks [email protected]
Linda ScanlonSalukiAarakis [email protected]
Michelle EvansWhippetBellestone [email protected]
Kristy WIlsonWhippetPrimetime [email protected]